Stemming the Tide: Land-Based Strategies for a Plastic-Free Ocean
New report on origins and solutions to marine litter
October 2, 2015

A new report by Ocean Conservancy entitled Stemming the Tide: Land-Based Strategies for a Plastic-Free Ocean identifies location-specific origins of most of the world’s plastic marine debris and how it leaks into the oceans.
“The report's findings confirm what many have long thought — that ocean plastic solutions actually begin on land. It will take a coordinated effort of industry, [non-governmental organisations] and government to solve this growing economic and environmental problem” said Ocean Conservancy chief executive Andreas Merkl.
The report also outlines practical solutions as well as short and long-term plans to implement them in five priority countries: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.
The report was put together by the Washington-based non-profit advocacy group in partnership with the McKinsey Center for Business and Environment and Trash Free Seas Alliance partners including Dow Chemical, Coca-Cola and the American Chemistry Council.
Click here to read the full report.